Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A few pics...

I'm not sure how to line up the captions with each image in a more aesthetically pleasing/organized format; so just consider it a game of matching up each caption with the corresponding picture...

Just the rookies (the interns plus Geoff and Ros) and our awesome Ryankole teacher!

The first possible source that we visited. Unfortunately, it didn't have the capacity that is needed to secure funding for a project from CIDA.

The current source of water for one of the local communities. This picture basically tells it all, and ultimately, is the reason that we're working here in Uganda.

Just a typical Ugandan road. (The trucks needed a "running" start from the bottom of the hill to be able to get up and over to the church on the other side.)

One of the many wonders of God's creation. We can't stop taking pictures of them so I'll keep posting pictures of 'em.

Another one of God's creations, we don't appreciate these guys as much though. Here they are enjoying Julia and Steph's doughnuts.

And finally, how many people can you fit in a pick-up truck?

Answer: We're still not sure, but the current record we've witnessed is around thirty. Yea, we lost count...

1 comment:

Alvina said...

wes! it's been awesome reading your updates. sounds like you're having an amazing experience so far! will continue to pray for you and your team :)