So I drove some roads that I wouldn’t have thought possible before today. It really gives a whole new definition to off-roading, except that we were actually driving on “roads”! We were headed out to check out some sources in the Kyrumba Sub-county, and in some spots, the road was most probably the worst that I’ve EVER driven, and I’ve been on some pretty questionable roads, especially during my time in Uganda.

Unfortunately, none of the pictures we’ve got from today do justice to the steepness, narrowness, or overall perilous condition of the road. (This may have been in part due to the fact that everyone was holding on for dear life during the best photo opportunities/most harrowing moments.) And of course, this adventure wouldn’t have been with the same if we hadn’t gotten the truck stuck in two places. The first time required the help of a group of about 8 bystanders to pull/push the rear tire of truck back onto the road after it had partially slid into a ditch. The second time was basically during a torrential downpour, as I tried to keep control of the truck as we drove (slid) down the same hill that I had gotten stuck on the way up, take a sharp corner while crossing a stream, and get up an equally steep uphill with a rock face on one side and a valley on the other. The rain had turned the road to mud meaning that the little traction that I had on the drive up to the source, no longer existed on the way down. And with the truck perched precariously, half straddling the stream, we were forced to stop and pretty much cover the uphill side of the road with large rocks to get through the several inch thick mud that had earlier been a road.
But, at the end of the day, we managed to get where we needed to go, check out the sources AND find water, get through safely, and have some new adventures to share! However, because we found water there, we’ll need to go back to map out the area and complete a design for the pipeline. I call not driving…
The picture is from the first time I got stuck. Notice the crowd that’s gathered to watch, no pressure at all, eh?
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